Painting a Mondrian Composition is not as avante-garde as you thought! Known mostly for his later colourful grid paintings, he was a fine painter in the classical sense.
It’s worth seeking out well-planned and executed paintings to study and emulate. You don’t have to copy (although even that is a good way to study too) but you can draw inspiration from their still life setups and colour schemes.
For this online art class, I took Mondrian’s, “Appels, Gemberpot en Bord op een Richel (Apples, Ginger Pot and Plate on a Ledge” (which sold at Sotheby’s for £393,000 in 2019. Eek!) and made a broadly similar setup with objects I have in my studio. The original is below. The objective with this exercise was to demonstrate that the opportunity to learn from reknowned artists is always near at hand. You can see the entire 1hr 30m class on my Youtube channel KevinMcSherryStudio at this link. You can also easily atttend one of these classes by registering here.