2024 Culture Night Dublin Art Show in Terenure

Culture Night Dublin Art Show in Terenure
Going to See a Man About a Horse
In association with Eigse Terenure, I’m holding an exhibition of paintings in the Evergreen Centre, Terenure Village. You can see a gallery of included paintings below. Opens with a wine reception on Friday at 6:3PM with an introduction by the Lord Mayor of Dublin James Geoghegan.
From Eigse Terenure:
This year we are delighted to present ”Going to see a Man About a Horse”, an exhibition of the amazing work of award-winning artist and editorial illustrator, Kevin McSherry.
Kevin relates his narrative-laden paintings, sometimes with humour, other times more darkly. His incredible works play with the viewers imagination and wit, stretching both, with his intentionally absurd compositions. He paints to “communicate, include, subvert and opine” and his pieces, as a result, are thoroughly enthralling, drawing the eye and mind into his world. Kevin’s pieces have been exhibited in galleries in London, Paris and Dublin and major Irish cities.
Now, Kevin brings his experience, knowledge and endless patience to his art classes in Harold’s Cross, Dublin, his weekend landscape painting retreats, and globally, via his new online video art classes.