Monet Floral Still Life Composition

Monet Floral Still Life (Above)

This week, I ran a series of special online art classes where we concentrated on the style and compositions of three great painters: an Édouard Manet nature morte, a Samuel Peploe composition and Claude Monet Floral Still Life. You can see the videos of Manet and Peploe on my Youtube Channel.

You can view the Monet Floral Still Life one right here at the top of the page. This demonstration took about 2 hours to complete. 1.5 hours of the class and a further 30 minutes to put in some finishing touches.

It has been a most enjoyable week and I think I’ve learned a lot by taking novel approaches to my painting practice. 

Why don’t you ccome along to one of these online virtual art classes too? They’re available to anyone who wants to learn to paint using the most direct and logical system. I explain everything as I go along during the class: Palette; oil colours; brushes; supports – down to how to use all your materials to best effect. Join me at this link. and I hope to see you soon.

Paint Oils; Paint Small; Paint Often!
