181001 An Alla Prima Oils Study Speedpainting Demonstration

This video compresses all the slow activity surrounding an alla prima painting in order that you can keep the procedure in your memory a little more easily. Obviously, paintings just do not get made this fast. Having said that, this small study only took 35 minutes to complete.

I used the paints that I recommend to my students: the Winton range by Winsor & Newton. The palette consisted of: Titanium White; Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue; Permanent Rose; Cobalt Blue; Ivory Black -and an extra one, Burnt Umber.

Leaving off the Burnt Umber, I call this palette the ‘McSherry-Process’ palette as it most closely resembles the printers’ Process palette (Process Cyan; Process Yellow; Process Magenta and Process Black).

For sale: An Alla Prima Oils Study Speedpainting Demonstration “Silver and Aster” 5″ x 7″ 181001

I used a single brush throughout the study; a 6mm angular short bright which I kept clean using a rag.

The subject was contained in a cardboard lightbox painted black inside with a small window cut into the side through which a warm bulb lamp was directed.

This is the process that I teach in my studio art classes, using just these materials.  If you want to join my classes, send me an email using the form on the left. You’ll receive a FREE eBook on my student colour palette. I also hold workshops and host painting excursions. If you have any questions, drop me a line!


181001 “Silver and Aster” 5″ x 7″ Oils on canvas is for sale. Call 086 247 0737 or email me