A full day tutored workshop in painting the portrait.
Saturday June 25th. 11AM to 5PM
Painting portraits with a live model is challenging but fun -and the right time to start practicing is right now.
I will guide you through the process in an easily understandable way; and questions are welcome. As in all my classes, I’ll start with a demonstration and all participants will get personal attention throughout the day. It’s tiring work but we’ll have fun through the day.
What level painter should I be?
You should have some drawing and colour-mixing experience. If you’ve never painted before, you might find this overwhelming. If you’ve painted still lifes or landscapes before, you’ll be challenged but that’s the way to learn!
We’ll cover the following:
- Proportion
- Drawing
- The structure of the head.
- Mixing skin-tones and tonal values.
- Colour temperature.
- Composition
- Brushwork
Where is it?
This event will take place in the Parochial Hall of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church in Harold’s Cross. See the map below. Be aware that there is a parking fee.
Phone: 086 247 0737
Please bring your own box easel or SMALL standing easel and painting materials. (There are tables for box easels and plenty of chairs if you are missing materials).
Coffee and tea available.
There are venues to go for lunch in the surrounding area -and a bars for post-painting refreshments and analysis!
Portrait Workshop: Materials to bring
Please read this carefully and check this list against your materials: It may not be possible to provide you with any materials if you arrive without them.
If you prefer to stand, bring a standing easel. There are chairs and I’ll bring tables for those that would like to sit and use their box-easels.
Bring Boards or canvases of no smaller than 10″ x 14″ -around 16″ x 20″ would be fine. A good idea would be to grey them out beforehand to save time.
Bring your oils. If you already use the Limited Process Palette as we use at my studio class, use those: Otherwise, suggested colours are:
• Titanium White
• Yellow ochre
• Cadmium Yellow
• Burnt Umber
• Cobalt Blue and/or Ultramarine Blue
• Cadmium Red (Medium or Dark)
• Ivory Black
• A palette.
• Bring a little burnt umber watercolour to do your drawing on the canvas.
• Solvent: Zest-it or Sansodor. (Turpentine is too pungent in a confined space).
• Brushes -Bring a selection of good brushes -include a soft blending brush if you like to use them.
• Rags
• If you like Liquin, bring that too.
Any difficulties, call me on 086 247 0737 or email: kevinmcsherryartist@gmail.com
Please Note: We reserve the right to cancel where numbers are insufficient. Monies paid are non refundable, except where Workshop is cancelled.