Painting in oils Demonstration in Art Class


still life demonstration oils from life art class in Terenure Dublin
A still life demonstration in oils from life at my art class in Terenure, Dublin. A demonstration at every class.

I do a demo at every class. I think it’s the best way to inspire and inform my students -and besides; they say they enjoy it. It suits me too, as at least I can say I’ve painted something at the day’s end.

Just so you don’t get discouraged; I didn’t get to the completed study when demonstrating: I finished this little study after the class. Normally, I get to just beyond the blocking-in stage -just a few added details. This takes about 20 minutes and then students start into their own work. The blocking-in stage is the most important part of the painting process, I think. It’s the point from which any time after, you can stop and say you’re finished, depending on how much of a fusspot you are.

And I’m definitely a fusspot.

If you’d like to join my class and get genuine, nonsense-free painting tuition (and that’s rarer than you might imagine), there’s a new term starting on the 24th and 26th of this month and there are places still available in the mornings and evenings.

A still life demonstration in oils from life at my art class in Terenure, Dublin. A demonstration at every class.