New Still Life Objects for Art Class

New still life objects to paint

New objects to paint in Art class with Kevin McSherry still life paintings in alla prima wet into wet oils style tutoring

In the spirit of keeping things fresh for my art class students in my studio, I’ve been on a spending rampage for new still life objects. Here are a few of the pots and plants I’ve bought recently that you can paint at the McSherry Studio.

I found the lovely little house plants in Urban Plant Life in Dublin’s Cork Street. You should go there. It’s a hidden gem.

The oriental blue pots I got from a very nice Chinese lady through

There are several more trinkets including new silverware for the ‘how to paint silver’ class and glassware too. There are a whole bunch of old pieces that have worn out their welcome, so a trip to the charity shop is in order. I’m not sure I could face putting them up on individually…

So, keep going everybody. As the motto goes: Paint oils; paint small; paint often!

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