Hi all, The last 6 week term of 2017 is over -it’s been a busy year -but it’s not over yet -there’s still a chance to join me in my art class for a series of one-off classes. A perfect opportunity to try out the class if you haven’t already done so. A minimum level of commitment at €30 for the 2.5 hour class. And, as always, there’ll be a complete demonstration of painting by me, before you begin to paint yourself.They’ll be run next Tuesday 12th and Thursday 14th December, as usual –starting at 10am until 12.30pm There are only 3 places left on Tuesday and 2 places on Thursday up for grabs, and places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. (Another email will go out at the end of next week about the following week, so there will be another chance). Call me on 086 247 0737 or email me directly at:kevin@mcsherry.ie to secure your place. More information about my studio’s location and what to bring on my teaching web site at this link. 