How to Paint a Wine Bottle

How to Paint a Wine Bottle speed video.

How to Paint a Wine Bottle from life demonstration.

This week is Wine Week and I’ve been showing my online students how to approach a still life study in oils. Painting from life presents a while different array of challenges to painting from photo references -but the results are more rewarding and you learn more in the process. Take a look at this speed video -and you can even see all the practical parts of the online class (and many more demos too) in a full length video on this page.

There’s more to the online class than can be shown in the videos -there’s a discussion after the study is done and students can ask questions they might have about the process or any other aspect of painting. Why not try it yourself? All you need is a PC or an iPad.

Each online art class costs just €10 and you can sign up for one here.