Class News
Painting an Oils Still Life with a Palette Knife
We all get stuck in a rut and only do what we know we can do. In my case, it’s painting with brushes. I know how they feel and react to whatever pressure I might put on the bristles. I know, to a certain extent, the results I’m going to get. Hence, in this week’s online oil painting class, we’ll explore using a palette knife to make our marks. It will be a still life of a flower from life. Be prepared to use more paint than usual. There’ll be lots of texture and even more simplification. The knife won’t let us get into details at all! I’ll be using a traditional palette again: Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Siena, Cadmium Yellow, Ochre Yellow, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red and Titanium White and this time; Sap Green. You can still use the usual McSherry Process Palette and achieve much the same result. In Tuesday evening’s beginners class, we’ll be doing the third exercise in my program: How to Paint Silver. (Call me on 086 247 0737 if you’d like to enquire about joining at this late stage.) I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.