Beginners’ Painting Kit. What You Actually Need.

Beginners’ painting kit for oil painting classes in Dublin

A short video (7.5 minutes) about the recommended beginner’s painting kit for my studio class. It’ll save you lots of money and save you from carting bundles of unnecessary material around with you and hurting your back!

You’ll get an idea of what everything looks like before you visit the art supplies shop. Below is a list.

  • ‘Burren’ tabletop box easel: ‘Create’ brand or similar (Winsor & Newton make good, slightly larger boxes, for example).
  • Brushes (See this video on which brushes to get).
  • Paints: Titanium White, Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue, Permanent Rose, Cobalt Blue, Ivory Black and Burnt Umber. (All Winsor & Newton, Winton range).
  • A Palette
  • Solvent: Zest-it or Sansodor
  • Liquin
  • Palette Knife
  • A rag