Regular Wednesday Evening Art Classes Dublin

To practice any art, no matter how well or how badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven’s sake. So do it.” – Kurt Vonnegut

kevin mcsherry art classes in dublin ireland teaching oils and acrylics 20

Wednesday Evening Pre-Christmas 3-Week Terms

A special short term in the pre-Christmas period. €100

Wednesday Evening Painting.

These evening sessions will be aimed at those who’d like to paint over a series of sittings in a relaxing atmosphere.

No pressure -just a great way to relax, experiment and learn new processes, exercise your creative muscles and have fun with like-minded people. This will suit those who like to work on ideas or specific painting projects that can’t be achieved in just one sitting. It could be portraits, landscapes, imaginative and narrative paintings – or even abstracts. Whatever can be easily managed and brought in and out of the venue.

Any medium; any style and any reference material. We’ll talk about and introduce idea development, techniques, surfaces and materials. The idea is to expand on the work you’ve already done. Just bring your materials and your ideas; I’ll help you achieve them. This will suit people who have been through the still life process and would like to make more adventurous paintings.

What will you learn?

How to develop your art

We’re moving away from just painting things in this class. We’ll begin to focus on the intent of each painting project.

How to think like an artist.

We’ll discuss and work on the ideas that you can put into yourwork. What’s important to you? Why do we do what we do? You employ a range of activities that will aid you to fix on your creative path. It’s absolutely different for every person and your path is unique to you.

How to work on paintings that are already dry.

There are many ways to paint – and mediums to paint with. Once you’ve become used to painting in the all prima (single sitting) method, you can apply most of what you’ve learned to every other method. I’ll show you how you can work and rework over paintings that have already set.

You’ll learn more about what’s important in art.

Art can be about almost anything and there’s a lot to learn at every level and it’s different for everybody. We’ll explore what’s important to YOU.

Multiple techniques on larger canvases.

SInce this is a ‘long-form’ painting class, you can paint on larger canvases (if you want to). You can paint in any style and in any medium – and just messing about with different materials will inform your painting. Have fun.

Learn the value of keeping a sketchbook.

Sketchbooks are really fundamental to your art practice. They are where you can work out ideas – wether or not the ideas work or not is immaterial. They can be as private or as public as you want. They’re the place where you can just have a lot of fun.

  • Don’t forget that there’s always coffee/tea and nibbles on the house. In class, we often chat about art in a relaxed and informal way. 


Easel. Can be a standup easel or a desktop. You might want to paint a larger painting, so make sure it’s appropriate to the size of your canvas and that you can carry it.

Paints – oils, acrylics, watercolour, gouache. The medium will influence the outcome, which is one of the exciting variables in creating art. This is completely up to you, just make sure it’s portable. 

Kevin McSherry art classes in Dublin

Two PDF eBooks to help you with your paintings. Viewable on any device.

The McSherry Process Colour Palette: eBook

It’s possible to make an entire and believable palette from just the colours in this palette. Based on printer’ process colours, once you learn this, you’ll be able to transition to the traditional palettes with ease.
To help you further, this PDF ebook will display on ANY device and it also includes hyperlinks 


This concise ebook for beginners will show you a simplified and rational palette that will give you a foThe How to Paint in Oils eBook by artist McSherry. Includes links to demonstration videos on Youtube and explanations to help you paint your dream painting.
This concise ebook will take you through the best way to begin your painting projects. Go through the how to paint in oils ebook and the process as many times as you can; internalising the process is the key. The information can be applied to any painting that you want to create and works for acrylics, gouache, tempera as well as oils.If you'd like to join an art class with me, you can sign up for my email newsletter here at this link. You can also sign up to my Youtube channel at this link to see more alla prima oil painting videos that will help you understand the process and move your painting on. You can find great materials to paint with everywhere but just buy decent quality. You can get advice and buy art materials at Evans Art Supplies, Artmines, Universal Art Supplies and Crafty Studio - all in Dublinundational knowledge of colour. Learn this and you'll easily transition to more traditional palettes. Includes links to Youtube videos

Ten Steps to Starting ANY Painting: eBook

This concise ebook will take you through the best way to begin your painting projects. It’s a simple, logical approach that you can learn and repeat and which will work every time. To help you further, this PDF ebook will display on ANY device and it also includes hyperlinks to helpful videos I have on Youtube. Just click on the highlighted phrases in the book itself.


This concise ebook will take you through the best way to begin your painting projects. It's a simple, logical approach that you can learn and repeat and which will work every time. To help you further, this PDF ebook will display on ANY device and it also includes hyperlinks to helpful Youtube videos. Just click on the highlighted phrases.