Regular Tuesday Morning Art Classes Dublin
“Art is the only way to run away without leaving home.” – Twyla Tharp
- Do you want to run away, just for a bit, without leaving home? Take some time for yourself, meet interesting and like-minded people and learn a new skill. Painting is good for your emotional wellbeing, improves your memory and concentration and relieves stress.
- I teach oil painting. Specifically alla prima oil painting. I teach through still lifes mostly and keep painting from photos to a minimum. It’s much better to paint directly from life; you’ll learn much more and more quickly.
- Once you have the procedure internalised, you can successfully apply this knowledge to all your paintings – even those painted from photo references. I encourage you to explore new techniques and vary your painting projects when you feel confident enough!
- Each class starts with a demonstration by me. Then you paint with my assistance. You’ll complete a painting at each class, so you’ll be painting small.
What will you learn?
Paint Oils, Paint Small, Paint Often
This is the philosophy of this class. At every class, I’ll demonstrate with a small, quick study. You see the process from start to finish. Then you’ll paint a small still life or landscape study at every class. This way, you’ll experience the entire procedure at every class and you’ll soak in the process far more quickly. I’ve endless patience and I’ll always be there to jump in and re-show techniques or bring your painting study back on track.
A rational procedure
No more wondering where to start as if every painting is an entirely new experience. The method I teach will help with ALL your paintings from start to finish.
You’ll learn to paint from life.
It’s not as difficult as you think – less difficult than painting from photographic references. In fact, you’ll find that it frees you up.
A simple colour theory.
I have a background in the printing industry, where we use a limited array of colours which I’ve adapted for my student palette. Learn this and you’ll adapt to the traditional colours much more easily.
A sound grasp of artist materials.
I’ll simplify your materials list. I’ll explain the difference between mediums and various qualities – and I’ll advise on what you need to buy to achieve great results in your work. You’ll also learn how to set up your own painting space.
Good drawing technique.
A fundamental skill for any artist, I’ll teach you the way to achieve likenesses by measuring and re-working.
Tonal values and the value of tone.
There are many variables to grasp in painting but the principal one is tone. Painting still lifes teaches you how to see it, express it and absorb it.
- Don’t forget that there’s always coffee/tea and nibbles on the house. In class, we often chat about art in a relaxed and informal way.
Materials checklist.
- Cobalt Blue
- Permanent Rose
- Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue
- Titanium White (or Titanium buff)
- Burnt Siena (or Burnt Umber)
- Ivory Black (failing Ivory Black, get Indigo or Paynes Grey).
- A Table box-easel. Such as this one. These are widely available in art shops.
- A flat wood painter’s palette (rather than one of those white palettes with dips -they’re more for watercolours).
- Solvent: Zest-it, (if you can’t get that, get Sansodor). For cleaning brushes and diluting paint.
- Brushes –Synthetic short flat brights: 12 and 6. Also, a Round No. 1. Try Crafty Studio, Artmines, K&M Evans or Eason) and THESE are the ones. See a video about beginner brushes here.
- Rags
- If you like Liquin, bring that too. (Liquin is a quick-drying medium and glazing additive).
- Wear old clothes: painting can be a messy business!
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Get news of new class terms, weekend workshops and new projects. When you join, you’ll recieve a FREE PDF ebook on how to make your own compositional viewfinder.
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Terms and conditions for Regular art classes Dublin
- Signing up for a term of art classes is a 6 week commitment; classes not taken cannot be carried forward to a new term.
- Terms can not be split up or fees discounted for classes not taken.
- When students are unable to make it to a class for whatever reason, I will always endeavour to let them catch up in another art class but only if a place is available.
- If I am unable to hold the art class, the class will be made up so students will not be short.
- Payment must be made at least 2 weeks before the term begins, in order that a replacement student can be arranged from the waiting list.
- Payment matters can not be discussed in the studio; the studio is a sanctuary for art, painting and creativity.
- Students should have the required painting materials for the class (please see above).
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Two PDF eBooks to help you with your paintings. Viewable on any device.
The McSherry Process Colour Palette: eBook
It’s possible to make an entire and believable palette from just the colours in this palette. Based on printer’ process colours, once you learn this, you’ll be able to transition to the traditional palettes with ease.
To help you further, this PDF ebook will display on ANY device and it also includes hyperlinks
This concise ebook for beginners will show you a simplified and rational palette that will give you a foThe How to Paint in Oils eBook by artist McSherry. Includes links to demonstration videos on Youtube and explanations to help you paint your dream painting. This concise ebook will take you through the best way to begin your painting projects. Go through the how to paint in oils ebook and the process as many times as you can; internalising the process is the key. The information can be applied to any painting that you want to create and works for acrylics, gouache, tempera as well as oils.If you'd like to join an art class with me, you can sign up for my email newsletter here at this link. You can also sign up to my Youtube channel at this link to see more alla prima oil painting videos that will help you understand the process and move your painting on. You can find great materials to paint with everywhere but just buy decent quality. You can get advice and buy art materials at Evans Art Supplies, Artmines, Universal Art Supplies and Crafty Studio - all in Dublinundational knowledge of colour. Learn this and you'll easily transition to more traditional palettes. Includes links to Youtube videos
Ten Steps to Starting ANY Painting: eBook
This concise ebook will take you through the best way to begin your painting projects. It’s a simple, logical approach that you can learn and repeat and which will work every time. To help you further, this PDF ebook will display on ANY device and it also includes hyperlinks to helpful videos I have on Youtube. Just click on the highlighted phrases in the book itself.
Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Harold’s Cross Rd, Harold’s Cross, Dublin, D6W KW21